Keeping you in sync with the process through technology

Our Tech Advantage


For years, our clients let us know that the mortgage process was a challenge. Borrowers were asking us where they stood in the process, what was outstanding and what they could expect next. The industry jargon, Lender diligence and infrequent financing forays combined to create less-than-pleasant experiences – especially for First Time Home Buyers! Our clients asked for more. They wanted to know what was going on. So we created our own system. Our proprietary software is a digital version of a Mortgage Trail that allows our clients to track their file every step of the way. The Mortgage Trail is straight-forward to follow, has easy-to-understand videos and write-ups that combine to keep people up-to-date every step of the way.

Our system is a work-in-progress. The updates and enhancements will never end. What remains a constant is our desire to provide an improved experience and you are invited to join us at anytime! We help take you from “clicks” to “keys” with confidence.

Mortgages can be hard to understand. We realize that, and so we implemented a tech solution to keep you updated every step of the process.